Sunday, May 26, 2024

Searcy Hospital Photos in honor of Mental Health Month


In 1900, the Alabama Legislature established a mental health facility on the former site of the Mount Vernon Arsenal to relieve overcrowding at Bryce Hospital. 

The property received its first patients from Bryce Hospital in 1902. It was renamed Searcy Hospital in 1919, in honor of Dr. J. T. Searcy, the first superintendent. Searcy was a segregated hospital and was restricted to African American patients only until 1969, when it was integrated by court order.

The hospital served the southern third of Alabama until it closed in 2012. The campus is now closed to visitors due to safety concerns.

(I took these photo during an escorted tour of the property)

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About Me

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Montgomery, Alabama, United States
I was born in The Bronx, but have lived in Alabama since 1976. I semi-retired on April 30th 2019, the 50th Anniversary of my first (radio) broadcast. I have since started a Part-Time job as a docent in The Alabama Capitol Building.